Hertford Rotary club 1929-1950

Members of Hertford Rotary club on their 21st anniversary. Left to right: Back Row: W.H.F. Fordham, L.J. Wren, J.A. Kennedy Hon. Treasurer, A.W. Robinson, A. Fowler 2nd Vice President, H.c. cash, B.L. Nicholls, F. Hernman, A. S. (Arthur) Knights, G.L. Blake. Middle Row: c.W.G. Vance-Packman, E.B. Spicer, B. Graveson 1st Vice President, Dr. B. Stanley, W.T. Kindell Asst. Hon. Secretary, Revd. P.F.L. Burges, J. cordery, c.W. cook, S.F. Davies, F.T. Frampton, A.K. Loveday, c.F. Downey. Front Row: G.c. Baker, T. Barber, T.A. Wolfe, c.R. Marshall, c.W. Blyth President, P. coleman, H. Frost, G.W. Brighten, H.M.G.Williams immediate Past President, P.T. cove Hon. Secretary.


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