Hertfordshire Regiment Warrant Officers

Warrant Officers and Sergeants, 3rd Battalion 1st Herts Regiment, group photograph. Left to Right: Back Row:Sergt. W. How, Sergt. A. King, Sergt. F.W. Harryman, Sergt. A. L. Flint, Sergt. W. Bryant, Sergt. W. Munday, Sergt. H. Smith, Sergt. A.O. Farndell, Sergt.-Drmr. H.J. Smith, Sergt. W.H.Smith, Sergt. E.A. Button. Third Row: Sergt. A.E. Hester, Sergt. E. Osborn, Sergt. J.F. Warner, Lance-Sergt. R.J. Flint, Sergt. A.W. Peet, Sergt. W. Peet, Sergt. F.W. chalkley, Sergt. J. King, Sergt. J. Groombridge, Sergt. H.A. Penn, Lance-Sergt. G. cook, Sergt. F.J.Smith. Second Row: Lance-Sergt. S.G. Whittemore, Sergt. A.F. Massey, Sergt. R.c. Beak, Sergt. A.J. Green, Sergt. T. Pocock, Sergt. B.R. Newberry, Sergt. G.A.E. Baker, Sergt. J.H. Brinklow, Sergt. W.J. White, Sergt. R.J. Joyce, Sergt. J. Smith, Sergt. W.H. Willmore, Sergt. G.H. Tuley. Front Row: Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt. W.A. Ide, Coy. Sergt.-Major W. Whitehead, Coy. Sergt.-Major H.S. Willoughby, Coy. Sergt.-Major J.H. Joynerwood, Regtl. Sergt.-Major H.G. Killington, Major H. Baker (commanding Officer), Major c.c.S. Scott-Gatty (Adjutant), Regtl. Quartermaster-Sergt. H.J. Webb, Coy. Sergt.-Major W. Gee, Coy. Sergt.-Major G. Raven, Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt. F. Beeson, Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt. O. Arno. Sitting on Ground: Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt.c.L.F. Tomkins, Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt. W. Davis.


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