Christmas in Rawalpindi

Two soldiers in Rawalpindi, India in room decorated for Christmas (photograph badly damaged) Written on reverse: This is one of my christmas? taken in Rawal Pindi, but we havent had one like it here. See the xmas puddings hanging in front of the doorway it isnt a very good photo of them but they only got them just for the look of the corner the smallest fellow on the right comes from Ponders End he is the one that gave me the photo and the other poor fellow is in hospital that is my bed chum when he is out I dont know no whether he will ever get out again as he is in a very bad state at present. Well I hope you will look after this one for me as I dont want to keep it out here as it would get broken up if I ever had to shift I would have got it framed but it would not be any use trying to send it home when it was done as it would sure to get broken but if you could get it framed and the other one as well do so I will pay you the expense.


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